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Events are taken from Eventbrite and submitted by community members. Events are chosen based on interest to serve the mental health , creativity and self expression community.  CreateBeing is not responsible for what happens at or changes made regarding the event and encourage feedback and suggestions for future events.

Self Care: Nurturing Your Body, Mind and Soul with gifts from Mother Earth

Women On The Move 2111 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Create your own customized self care tool kit. Experience hands on exercises engaging all your senses for greater sense of peace and calm. Learn an easy but effective meditation to do at home for grounding and balance. Hi! I’m Brenda and I have been a 

The Confidence Talk

Description The topic of confidence is near and dear to my heart, as when I was younger I was bullied/ then became the bully- then changed my mentality and ultimately eliminated bullying in my private high school. I always start The Confidence Talk by sharing 

Scribe and Stitch

Tina Rouhandeh’s art exhibition Scribe and Stitch offers a nuanced approach to art with the fusion of calligraphy and hand stitches. “There is art where the hand is present. The art of calligraphy and hand stitches provide a common ground for communication. They offer a 

Karma Yoga

** MULTIPLE DAYS AVAI Culture Athletics' Karma Yoga is a passion project taught by a network of instructors from across the city. All of which are donating their time for the love and practice of yoga. This donations-based class welcomes all levels and skills. A 


Sacred Singing Workshop

Singing with other people not only feels good, it's good for us on many levels - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Every culture on earth uses singing to bring people together and connect in community. And many ancient traditions use singing and chanting to vitalize 


Secrets to Meditation in Toronto

OISE at the University of Toronto 252 Bloor St W, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Discover the Easy, Effective Approach to Meditation Through Breath, That’s Helping Millions Around the World! Mind Mastery: Get insights on how to stay skilfully peaceful and positive, even through challenging times. Breathing Techniques: Learn the science-backed ‘Bellows Breath’ to boost your energy, calm your mind 

Secrets to Meditation in Toronto

OISE at the University of Toronto 252 Bloor St W, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Discover the Easy, Effective Approach to Meditation Through Breath, That’s Helping Millions Around the World! Mind Mastery: Get insights on how to stay skilfully peaceful and positive, even through challenging times. Breathing Techniques: Learn the science-backed ‘Bellows Breath’ to boost your energy, calm your mind 

Toronto Writers Collective at 519

The 519 519 Church St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Encouraging Voice, Empowering the Unheard. The Toronto Writers Collective inspires and empowers the unheard through writing. The Toronto Writers Collective promotes an inclusive city, celebrates diversity and honours the lives of all of its citizens. We support the transformational power of being heard. The Toronto 


Stress Relief & Rejuvenation

Full Circle Art Therapy 658 Danforth Ave, Suite 204, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Workshop Description: This is an art therapy workshop series that will focus on how art therapy and mindfulness techniques can be used to manage daily life stress. The first workshop will examine what is causing stress and how this is currently affecting your well-being, then 


From Mental Illness to Hopeful Futures: Innovations in Treatment

The conversation around mental health has changed in the last decade thanks to awareness raising campaigns that flood our airwaves and social media feeds seeking to normalize mental health issues while advocating for better treatment options and increased services. Awareness campaigns and hashtag days have 
