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Events are taken from Eventbrite and submitted by community members. Events are chosen based on interest to serve the mental health , creativity and self expression community.  CreateBeing is not responsible for what happens at or changes made regarding the event and encourage feedback and suggestions for future events.

Editing Fiction and Memoir: Tips for Writers

Toronto Public Library Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Join us for a free workshop on the three stages of editing: substantive, stylistic and copy editing. Learn practical tips and techniques that you can apply to your own manuscripts. This seminar will include hands-on activities, Q&A, handouts with seminar notes and cheat sheets. At 


Compassion Fatigue and Self-Care Workshop: When the Well is Dry

The Career Foundation 700 Lawrence Avenue West Suite 440, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

To celebrate Mental Health week (May 6-12), CMHA Toronto will be presenting a workshop on "When the Well is Dry: Compassion Fatigue & Self-Care: " In this lively and interactive workshop we will: -define compassion fatigue and discuss how it looks and feels -explore risk 


Freeing Up Movement For Dynamic Posture

Looking for participants for an 8 week experiential movement program. With permission, participants may be included as case studies in a research project. Date: Friday March 22, 2019 -May 10, 2019 Time: 1:00PM-2:30PM The Eight Sessions include: An overview of Bartenieff Fundimentals Assessment of Dynamic 

Teen Writing Group

Toronto Public Library

**MULTIPLE DATES** Want to write, but need inspiration? Love to write, but scared of sharing? Write a lot, but want to meet with other young writers? Come join our very supportive creative writing group for writing games, feedback, snacks and creativity. We welcome new writers 

Songwriting for Calm

Full Circle Art Therapy 658 Danforth Ave, Suite 204, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Songs have the power to soothe and centre us.. They can bring us peace in times of turbulence and comfort in times of distress. In this workshop, you’ll be guided to create your own unique song – a song you can use as a touchstone 


Secrets to Meditation in Toronto

OISE at the University of Toronto 252 Bloor St W, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Discover the Easy, Effective Approach to Meditation Through Breath, That’s Helping Millions Around the World! Mind Mastery: Get insights on how to stay skilfully peaceful and positive, even through challenging times. Breathing Techniques: Learn the science-backed ‘Bellows Breath’ to boost your energy, calm your mind 

Toronto Writers Collective at 519

The 519 519 Church St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Encouraging Voice, Empowering the Unheard. The Toronto Writers Collective inspires and empowers the unheard through writing. The Toronto Writers Collective promotes an inclusive city, celebrates diversity and honours the lives of all of its citizens. We support the transformational power of being heard. The Toronto 


inkwell: Writing for Social Change w/Leonarda

Routes 2700 Dufferin Street North York, ON, M6B 3R4 Canada, North York, Ontario, Canada

Tap into the political power of your words and stories with Leonarda. No experience necessary.
