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Events are taken from Eventbrite and submitted by community members. Events are chosen based on interest to serve the mental health , creativity and self expression community.  CreateBeing is not responsible for what happens at or changes made regarding the event and encourage feedback and suggestions for future events.


Mindfulness Meditation, Monday drop ins

Mindfulness Meditation Drop-in every Monday at noon in the Grad Room for mindfulness meditation. (Registration optional). Would you like to be more calm, confident and connected? Learn to practice mindfulness techniques that will increase your relaxation and resiliency. About mindfulness meditation Mindfulness meditation is about 


TED Talks – Discussion Group

We will watch TED Talks, tie them in with related books and discuss. This month, we will be watching and then discussing two TED Talks by researcher and storyteller Brené Brown. Brené Brown studies human connection -- our ability to empathize, belong, love. She shares 

Laugh in the Face of Fear

The Social Capital Theatre 154 Danforth Ave. 2nd Floor, Toronto

If you're scared of improv, this is the show for you! Every 3rd Tuesday of the month, we'll do an improv playshop and show based on the theme of anxiety. PLAYSHOP: Come at 7 and try out some improv exercises designed to help with anxiety.