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Events are taken from Eventbrite and submitted by community members. Events are chosen based on interest to serve the mental health , creativity and self expression community.  CreateBeing is not responsible for what happens at or changes made regarding the event and encourage feedback and suggestions for future events.


Mindfulness Meditation, Monday drop ins

Mindfulness Meditation Drop-in every Monday at noon in the Grad Room for mindfulness meditation. (Registration optional). Would you like to be more calm, confident and connected? Learn to practice mindfulness techniques that will increase your relaxation and resiliency. About mindfulness meditation Mindfulness meditation is about 


Scribe and Stitch

Tina Rouhandeh’s art exhibition Scribe and Stitch offers a nuanced approach to art with the fusion of calligraphy and hand stitches. “There is art where the hand is present. The art of calligraphy and hand stitches provide a common ground for communication. They offer a 

Arctic Defenders (Inuit Documentary)

Toronto Public Library Toronto

Set in the dramatic and alluring landscape of the north, ARCTIC DEFENDERS tells the remarkable story that began in 1968 with a radical Inuit movement that changed the political landscape forever. It lead to the largest land claim in western civilization, orchestrated by young visionary 

Bootcamp with Daniela: Supporting the Environment!

Daniela is ready for her first bootcamp at Lolë Yorkville for 2019! Join Daniela as she takes us through a high energy bootcamp class that will challenge your muscles and keep your metabolism fired up all day! This is a pay by donation class! All