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Events are taken from Eventbrite and submitted by community members. Events are chosen based on interest to serve the mental health , creativity and self expression community.  CreateBeing is not responsible for what happens at or changes made regarding the event and encourage feedback and suggestions for future events.

CREATEBEING: How to Deal with Negative Self-Talk

How you talk to yourself plays a critical role in your overall mental health, and can make or break your ability to live a healthy life. In this discussion group, we welcome all conversation and opinions on tackling negative self-talk. Through sharing and reflection, participants 

CREATEBEING: Dealing with Burnout

Burnout is something that we all have experienced. This discussion group is designed to help participants recognize the signs before they experience burnout, and understanding what tools and support they need to overcome it. By sharing our personal experiences and techniques around burnout, we will 

CREATEBEING: Imposter Syndrome

“I’m not good enough.” “You shouldn’t be here.” “Who do you think you are?” Sound familiar? We all experience feelings of self-doubt and not feeling good enough. We invite you to our next discussion group as we talk about Imposter Syndrome. We strive for safe 

CREATEBEING: Weathering Depression

DESCRIPTION This is a pay-what-you-can discussion group with a suggested minimum amount of $10. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. CreateBeing is a company that collaborates with people to express their mental health experiences in a creative way. We support 

Self-Care: What Does It Really Mean? Discussion Group

Workman Arts 651 Dufferin St,, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

We all know we need to take care of ourselves, but what does "self-care" really mean? There is plenty of talk and cliches when it comes to self-care, it can be hard to determine what it actually is. Join us as we have a deep 


Loneliness: Who Else Feels It?

Workman Arts 651 Dufferin St,, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Have you experienced loneliness? It seems that more and more people are feeling lonely, and we want to talk about it. Our mission is to bring people together, we don't believe anyone is alone. Join us in our discussion about loneliness: what it means to